For postpartum moms whose health and wellness is a priority, you want the very best for your baby. You might’ve started by researching everything. You’ve dug into the deep rabbit holes of medical advice, proper feeding, the best care products, keeping baby away from chemicals, attachment parenting, mommy and me playgroups, music enrichment, when to wean, when to introduce solids, what diapers to use… You have leafed through every baby information book page by painstaking page and you’re *ready to go*. You’re in information overload and the first few months, you want nothing more than to apply all of that knowledge to the way you’re going to parent your newborn. But then it hits.
The off-the-wall “sleep” “schedule”.
The breastfeeding struggles.
The isolation you may feel if you’re lacking a large network.
You’re exhausted. You’re overwhelmed. You’re covered in baby spit up, poop and pee. The dishes are piling up. The laundry hasn’t been done in weeks…
You have worries. You want everything to be perfect. And somehow, as you’ve barely gotten started, the persistent thought keeps popping in:

Am I failing?
You’re not failing.
And you’re not even close to alone.
According to
1 in 4 postpartum moms cry at least once a week.
79% of postpartum moms feel they are falling behind.
80% of postpartum moms stress about not getting everything done.
We polled our social media for their best advice they wish they’d been given as a new mom.
Here are some of the answers for advice for postpartum moms:
- It’s okay: “Trust my gut. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to be tired and overwhelmed.” – Sarah B.
- It it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it: “Trust my intuition, through and through. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. You can always do it later. I know my baby best.” – Allison U.
- Changing seasons and changing emotions: “Everything (good and bad) is a season with your child. It’s okay if you don’t love every season.” – Stefanie S. She adds, “I wish there was a way to be prepared for the broad range of emotions you can experience when sleep deprived and you don’t recognize yourself, physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually. You’re getting to know this tiny human, but you’re also getting to know the new mama – you.”
- It’s okay to make mistakes: “You’re going to make some mistakes along the way. Most of them do not matter.” – Nancy T.
- On fears: “Don’t be afraid or responding to your baby, their needs, their cries… and don’t be afraid of bedsharing!” – Lindsay L.
- Be gentle with yourself: “It is impossible to be all the things, all the time, for all the people. Be gentle, let your voice inside talk to you like you would a friend.” – Danielle D.
- Trust is a theme here: “Trust your instincts and believe in the health and vitality growing in your parental relationship with your child and in them as an individual. Stewarding their well-being is a long-haul process. Trust that process.” – Allison F.
You can read all the articles, you can know all the things in your head that you want to do for your baby, but few things prepare you for the stress and overwhelm of being a mom, adding a second child or navigating the newborn phase. Finding a community of like-minded parents can be difficult, but that’s why we created Pathways Connect. In Pathways, you’ll find a group of health and wellness oriented parents that are as enthusiastic about holistic parenting as you are.
You deserve support. Use the graphic below to connect with it.
Looking for even more support? A large percentage of patients experiencing postpartum anxiety and depression found relief of symptoms after 90 days of chiropractic care. Schedule an appointment for postpartum chiropractic here.