Category: Creating Health

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All Your Health Solutions, Simply Put

Let’s start with a major premise. Every decision we make, every action we take, comes from a premise (whether you ...
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Everything you Should Know Before Attending a Chicken Pox Party

So, you’ve already decided that vaccines aren’t for you. You’ve opted for the proactive route and you’re boosting your child’s ...
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Chiropractic Wellness Care for Children

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that is very multifaceted, encompasses all ages by taking care of people of all ages, ...
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The Three Types of Subluxations: Why Chiropractic Care Can’t Work Alone

When people begin coming to me for chiropractic care, they typically come because of an ailment of some sort. Whether ...
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Pediatric Chiropractic for “Growing Pains”

So often I have child patients with leg pain as a result of “growing pains.” Here’s how chiropractic can factor ...
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Kids and Chiropractic – A Growing Trend

More parents are choosing alternative therapies to complement their families’ health strategy, and chiropractic care has been established to be ...
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“What are you doing about the measles outbreak?”

A mom asked me a question today that I didn’t have an answer to. I’ve cared for this family, including ...
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5 Signs it’s Time for a Detox

The end of the year is a great time, isn’t it? Holiday parties, extended vacation, and delicious food and treats ...
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Heart photos like these are cute, but usually mean breech babies.

The Genius of an Unborn Child

The same power that made your body has the ability to heal your body. Imagine if everybody in the world adopted and ...
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Breaking the Stress Cycle of the Rat Race

“Hurry, hurry; get what you can! There’s only so much to go around and only so much time to get ...
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