My first birth experience was a failure. What did I do differently for labor support the second time around? I prepped for a better birth.
OBW Exclusive: Get the Labor & Birth Support Video mentioned here for FREE ($27 value) right now
“I wish I would have known about you for my first pregnancy.” I hear it from most of the moms who come into my office pregnant with their second or third child. Inside, sometimes I felt like a phony. I’d secretly think to myself “I knew about chiropractic, did what I was trained to do, and we still ended up with a c-section after a 47 hour labor.”
Our first birth didn’t go as planned. Plainly speaking his labor and birth were a mess, and I dealt with the aftermath for years. Talking about the shockwaves from that experience still chokes me up. I became depressed and questioned what I knew about my skill set. I was a “fixer” left with a problem I didn’t have the tools to fix. However, I came to understand that my son’s journey was also my journey as a provider (and father). This was an important insight. It let me prepare for the first pregnancy of my subsequent relationship differently.
A New Chapter
Danielle and I live in 2 different states. Like most couples we’ve faced stressors on top of the pandemic stress, including changing our homebirth plan at 37 weeks. Our pregnancy journey was met with a lot of apologetic cringes.
So in the face of that, what did I do differently? I upskilled. You know what happened? It worked, just like it has worked for hundreds of families I’ve cared for since my first son’s birth.
Labor and Birth Support for Partners, From the Experts
This is a new era for birth. Couples need help if they want to go into the labor prepared. I’ve shared this opportunity with scores of local parents since the start of the pandemic. The things I knew to do- dancing with Danielle’s body rhythms, talking with her subconscious in a way that eased our baby down, touching her hips in a way that relieved pressure without needing medication- they’re all in here. If you practice what you learn in this 30 minutes video, you’ll improve to the point where you’ll be ready for your big moment.
Fill in the form (yes, we want your address so we know you’re local and not a robot!) and we’ll email you the video, plus bonus gifts and offers that are designed to guide your parenting journey.