Tag: Research

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Infant Chiropractic Care Can Help Babies Breastfeed Better: Chiropractic Case Report

The list of things that we assist with as a family, pregnancy, pediatric and infant chiropractor in Southwest Florida is ...
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postpartum depression impacts 1 in 7 mothers
Chiropractic Pregnancy

New Keys to Screening for Postpartum Depression

Can Chiropractic Care Lessen Your Chance of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety? Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) including postpartum depression, ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

Pregnancy with Scoliosis Rods

What is chiropractic care like during pregnancy if you have scoliosis? I’ve noticed the pregnancy with scoliosis cases are some ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

SWFL Primary Cesarean Rate 1 in 5

Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration publishes a resource guide called Florida Health Finder.  The researchers tabulated the diagnostic codes ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

Research Update: Prenatal Probiotics Reduce Eczema 77%

Editor’s Note: Thanks to ProThera/Klaire Labs for sending me this research bulletin. The two species in this study, Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum, are ...
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