Category: Infant Issues

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Baby Sitting Properly With Support
Developmental Milestones

Is Your Baby Sitting Properly?

As adults, we take the simple act of sitting for granted. But for a baby sitting properly requires a lot ...
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Infant Issues

Reasons for Low Supply & Ways to Increase It.

It is not uncommon for women to struggle with supply (largely as a result of hormone disruption caused by PCOS, ...
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Infant Issues

Why Hundreds of Mama’s are Successful at Initiating Breastfeeding

We asked the question: does chiropractic care during pregnancy effect how long it takes for your milk to come in. You may be surprised by ...
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The Best Explainer on Food Sensitivity Testing

We've offered Food Sensitivity Testing for years. If you have questions, we made this video for you!
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Infant Issues

KISS Syndrome: Inconsolable Baby

3 Week Old Who Won’t Settle or Stop Crying This week’s One Belly, Two Brains story is about a brand ...
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The Third Nervous System

Babies cry.  Then they angry cry.  Then they stop. Adults in stressful situations bargain or negotiate. Then they get frustrated ...
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The Third Nervous System Part 2: Crying It Out and Your Baby’s Brain

Missed Part 1? Find that there: The Third Nervous System Imagine you’re hanging out by a riverbank with some co-gatherers ...
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Case Study

Colicky Baby Starts Pooping

“Breastfed babies use all of their mom’s milk, so they don’t poop as much.”  It’s one of the most well-intentioned ...
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Normal Developmental Milestones for your Child: Infant Reflexes

Ok, so you just had the craziest time of your life pushing a living being out of your you-know-what and ...
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5 Things to Do Before Infant Vaccinations

Vaccinations are a massive debate, and with the recent measles outbreak, drug companies, government officials and other parents are putting ...
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