Category: Infant Issues

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Four Signs your Baby Needs Chiropractic

“Wait! What?! What was that you said you wanted to do to my tiny, precious, new born?” says the darling ...
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Infant Issues

Tips for Eliminating Reflux in Infants

A large portion of the infant patients that I adjust come to me because of reflux, colic or suspected food ...
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Case Study

Patient Story: Infant Chiropractic for Gassy, Colicky Baby

My husband and I had been seeing a chiropractor for a few years, who we also loved, and were just ...
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baby eating foods from plate

Baby-Led Weaning

“My 5 month old looks hungry. When we’re all at the dinner table together and he watches us eat. Yesterday ...
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Patient Story: Could Changing a Diaper Differently Save your Milk Supply?

Breastfeeding is hard. Believe me, I know. With my first, we dealt with inverted nipples, bad latch and a tongue ...
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