Category: Raising Healthy Kids

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chemical subluxation
Chemical Subluxation

80% of Urine Samples Contain Glyphosate: How Chemical Subluxation Disrupts Your Health

In the discussion of stress and your lifestyle, we often discuss the body’s 3 main stressors and subluxations: chemical subluxation, ...
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Pediatric Chiropractor Tips: 99 Activities to Keep Kids Occupied this Summer

We’re in the throes of summer and whether you signed your kids up for summer camps or not, they’re home ...
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Baby Sitting Properly With Support
Developmental Milestones

Is Your Baby Sitting Properly?

As adults, we take the simple act of sitting for granted. But for a baby sitting properly requires a lot ...
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Infant Issues

Why Hundreds of Mama’s are Successful at Initiating Breastfeeding

We asked the question: does chiropractic care during pregnancy effect how long it takes for your milk to come in. You may be surprised by ...
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Raising Healthy Kids

Why more than 80% of woman are breastfeeding.

In my previous blog post, I went over postpartum supplements to take while breastfeeding and the benefits of each of ...
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The Best Explainer on Food Sensitivity Testing

We've offered Food Sensitivity Testing for years. If you have questions, we made this video for you!
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Case Study

Why can an 11 year old not poop?

An 11 year old recently came into the office with her Mom. In this little girl’s life, she has not ...
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