Tag: Video

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Chiropractic Pregnancy

Prep Your Way to a Better Birth

My first birth experience was a failure. What did I do differently for labor support the second time around? I ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

The Relationship between Covid-19, ACE-2, Pregnancy, and Vitamin D

Edit: I have included an additional resources at the bottom of this blog post that was foundational in my understanding ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

3 Things You Should Know About Detoxing If You’re Pregnant or Nursing

Many people recommend doing some form of cleanse every change in season. What if you’re pregnant or nursing, though? If ...
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Conscious Parenting

How to make the Big Parenting Decisions when the Pressure is On

Preparing for Parenting If you are like most new parents you pour your energy into the pregnancy. You write a ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

COVID-19 Pregnancy Study Reveals Incidence Rate

A funny thing happens when you use actual numbers. NYU doctors recently submitted a survey of 215 pregnancies reporting for ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

Prepping for VBAC

This #OneBellyWednesday discusses two successful VBAC cases: April has been a baby bonanza in our office: Six births, four at ...
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Chiropractic Pregnancy

Birthing in Covidia

If you are 36 weeks pregnant or later, I’m sure you’re asking some different questions about your birth experience.  This ...
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Infant Issues

KISS Syndrome: Inconsolable Baby

3 Week Old Who Won’t Settle or Stop Crying This week’s One Belly, Two Brains story is about a brand ...
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Wear a Mask or Go Outside? A Theory for a Divided Nation

Why Numbers for a Nation Could be Wrong TL;DR Version Making sense of conflicting study recommendations: If you live in the ...
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Hydroxychloroquine, Z Packs, COVID-19, and Basic Math

TL;DR version French Study Says Anti-Malaria Drug Could Stop COVID-19, FDA Loses Collective Mind And Buys it All The French ...
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